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Employment at St. Stephen's

Established in 1964, St. Stephen's is one of Europe's premier international schools, renowned for its exceptional academic program and unwavering commitment to individualized support within a close-knit community. With a current enrollment of 300 students representing more than 60 nationalities, the School fosters a diverse and inclusive environment that celebrates global perspectives.

The School has dedicated faculty and staff, most with an average tenure of 10 years. The school prioritizes professional development so employees may continue refining their craft and embracing lifelong learning.  

St. Stephen’s upholds the highest child protection standards, strictly adhering to Italian and US laws and the recommendations set forth by the Council of International Schools.

The school maintains robust procedures and protocols to safeguard the well-being of students through thorough vetting processes that are in place for new hires. This includes comprehensive criminal background checks from countries where applicants have lived and worked and diligent reference checks with former employers. By exercising such due diligence, St. Stephen's ensures the utmost care in selecting qualified individuals who embody the values and principles of the school.

Excellence, inclusivity, and child protection are the cornerstones of our community. Through a nurturing and rigorous educational experience, we empower students to thrive academically, grow as global citizens, and embrace a lifelong love for learning.

Below, you will find a list of our current vacancies. 

Job Vacancies


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St. Stephens's School Rome

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